I miss home.

I miss my home.

I miss the sun’s warmth and the moon’s light.

I miss the one who I love and the way she smiles.

I miss so many things, yet I can never have them.

I hate this place. Even though I can’t starve, hypothermia is still a bitch. At least we have the camp, it was made a while ago by someone who was here. No name, just a tent and some emergency supplies. It looks to be from a military of some sort.

It was lucky that we found this place, it had enough defenses to keep those things at bay. I’ve been trying to find a way out but there doesn’t seem to be one. last time we went out to find one we lost someone. I should probably make him Tale #2 or a future tale. I don’t know. 

I hate seeing the stars now, this black and grey forest is kinda making me miss the site a little bit. At least it had color and wasn’t constantly dark.

I wish I could find a way out.


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